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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术计算机/网络操作系统symbian操作系统通讯编程(第二版)



定 价:¥542.00

作 者: Iain Campbell 著
出版社: John Wiley & Sons
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9780470512289 出版时间: 2007-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  An up-to-date insight into Communications programming at Symbian, incorporating changes introduced by the latest version of Symbian OS (Symbian OS V9), which is the basis of the new phones currently reaching the market. It guides developers through the Symbian OS communications architecture and provides essential information on the communications models and programming interfaces used by Symbian OS. Clear up-to-date explanations of how Symbian OS Communications works, demonstrated with full code examples in each chapter Written by experienced Symbian engineer who leads the Symbian Communications Programming team Covers special topics to include Bluetooth, HTTP, Serial Communications, OBEX and messaging


  Iain Campbell is an experienced Senior Technical Consultant who has been working at Symbian since 2001. He is currently leading the Symbian OS Communications programming team.


About the Authors
Symbian Press Acknowledgements
Section I: Introduction and Overview
 1 Introduction
  1.1 What is in this Book
  1.2 What isn't in this Book
  1.3 Expected Level of Knowledge
  1.4 Structure of this Book
  1.5 To which Versions of Symbian OS does the Information in this Book Apply?
  1.6 Example Applications
  1.7 Reading Guide
  1.8 Other Sources of Information
  1.9 The History of Symbian OS Communications
  1.10 Summary
 2 Overview
2.1 Low-level Functionality
2.2 High-level Functionality
2.3 Summary
Section I1: Low-level Technology and Frameworks
 3 An Introduction to ESOCK
  3.1 Overview of ESOCK
  3.2 Into Practice
  3.3 Summary
 4 Bluetooth
  4.1 Bluetooth Technology Overview
  4.2 Bluetooth in Symbian OS
  4.3 Example Symbian OS Bluetooth Application
  4.4 AV Protocols and Profiles
  4.5 Summary
 5 Infrared
   5.1 Introduction
   5.2 Infrared Overview
   5.3 IrDA in Symbian OS
   5.4 Summary
6 IP and Related Technologies
   6.1 IP Networks Overview
   6.2 IP Networks and Symbian OS
   6.3 Network Bearer Technologies in Symbian OS
   6.4 Using the Network Connection
   6.5 Information Gathering and Connection Management
   6.6 Quality of Service
   6.7 Summary
7 Telephony in Symbian OS
   7.1 Overview
   7.2 Using the ETel ISV API
   7.3 Restrictions and Considerations
   7.4 Summary
Section III: High-level Technology and Frameworks
8 Receiving Messages
   8.1 Example Application - Summary Screen
   8.2 The Message Server
   8.3 The Message Store
   8.4 Messaging Application Design and Implementation
 9. Sending Messages
 10. OBEX
 11. HTTP
 12. OMA Device Management
Section IV
13. Setting up Symbian OS for Comms-based environments
 14. Future Developments
Appendix A: Web Resources
Appendix B: Authorizing FlickrMTM to Use Your Flicker Account
Appendix C: SendWorkBench.app Guide
