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符号接地及其他:EELC 2006/会议录

符号接地及其他:EELC 2006/会议录

定 价:¥474.60

作 者: PualVogt 等著
出版社: 湖南文艺出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9783540457695 出版时间: 2006-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 页数: 字数:  


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暂缺《符号接地及其他:EELC 2006/会议录》作者简介


A Hybrid Model for Learning Word-Meaning Mappings
Cooperation, Conceptual Spaces and the Evolution of Semantics
Cross-Situational Learning: A Mathematical Approach
Dialog Strategy Acquisition and Its Evaluation for Efficient Learning of Word Meanings by Agents
Evolving Distributed Representations for Language with Self Organizing Maps
How Do Children Develop Syntactic Representations from What They
How Grammar Emerges to Dampen Combinatorial Search in Parsing
Implementation of Biases Observed in Children's Language Development into Agents
Lexicon Convergence in a Population With and Without Metacommunication
Operational Aspects of the Evolved Signalling Behaviour in a Group of Cooperating and Communicating Robots
Propositional Logic Syntax Acquisition
Robots That Learn Language: Developmental Approach to Human-Machine Conversations
Siumlating Meaning Negotiation Using Observational Language Games
Symbol Grounding Through Cumulative Learning
The Human Speechome Project
Unify and Merge in Fluid Construction Grammar
Utility for Communicability
Author Index
