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宋史研究论丛 第33辑

宋史研究论丛 第33辑

定 价:¥189.00

作 者: 姜锡东
出版社: 科学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787030759481 出版时间: 2023-06-01 包装: 平装-胶订
开本: 16开 页数: 字数:  


  《宋史研究论丛》是已故 历史学家漆侠先生创办的 省属高校人文社会科学重点研究基地—河北大学宋史研究中心主办的一份学术论文集刊。本集刊注重学术研究中的“新材料、新方法、新观点”,主要刊发宋史领域学术论文,兼及辽夏金元史。此为第33辑,收录35篇学术论文,分为宋代政治史研究、宋代军事史研究、宋代文化史研究、宋代文献与考证、辽金元史研究等栏目。


暂缺《宋史研究论丛 第33辑》作者简介


重农与游幸——北宋君主的观稼活动析论 3
宋太宗立储与杨亿《帀封府上梁文》 15
试论宋代外交地理格局及其演变 26
宋代地方建设中的官员不作为现象论析 35
宋元之际南宋降将昝万寿生平事迹钩沉——兼论平宋之初元廷对西南地区的经略 48
从迁转角度看元丰改制后宋代中央刑法官的职业化问题 63
科举宴饮与地方社会——宋代鹿鸣宴探微 78
从干办官到计议官——南宋初年枢密院新设属官考略 93
羁縻州与土司之间——宋明时期施州寨堡的设置与区域治理 99
北宋名臣赵抃佛道交游考 115
“礼者,圣人之成法”——张载礼法思想述论 127
王安石后传弟子经学诠释的思想与方法 136
南宋“绍兴和议”期间的祥瑞与雅颂文学创作 147
南宋律赋管窥 158
弊与除弊——南宋高宗朝四川类省试的行废之争及其昀 确立 173
朱学干城蔡元定易学略论 186
蜀汉正统观之兴起新探——苏天爵《题孙季昭〈上周益公请改修《三国志》书稿〉》书后 198
武穆代者——陈文龙的太学土神形象研究 211
苏轼在朝鲜的影响——沈鲁崇的苏东坡崇拜及其《一日百省集(南迁日录)》 220
秦王赵廷美生母考——兼论赵廷美生母记载歧市之原因 237
《肯綮录》作者赵叔向、赵叔问之再辨 245
《横浦集》集外市文考 251
北宋会州城及会宁关等城址考证 262
《宋故知阶州高公墓志铭》释考 274
从《象山先生行状》看陆九渊的历史形象书写 286
南宋理学诗人袁燮行年系地考 297
辨《周易系辞精义》非吕祖谦所纂 311
《宋元学案》人物小传史实考辨五题 318
耶律阿保机“文教”政策得失刍议 329
辽朝赗赙礼初探 337
金代公主婚姻探析 345
契丹小字文献所见几个辽代官职名称考释 356
蒙古汗廷壬子年曲先恼儿朝会考论 361
多元与融通——古代疗马“划鼻法”的来源与传播 372
大理国的中心城镇发展格局研究 386
Study on Political History of Song Dynasty
Emphasis on Agriculture and Recreation: The Guan Jia Activities of the Emperors in the Northern Song Dynasty 3
Emperor Taizong of Song Established the Crown Prince and Yang Yi’s Kaifeng 15
The Geographical Pattern of Diplomacy and its Evolution in the Song Dynasty 26
An Analysis of Officials’ Inaction in Local Construction in the Song Dynasty 35
An Exploration on the Capitulated Leader Zan Wan-shou of the Southern Song Dynasty and the Way of the Yuan Dynasty Dominated Southwest China in the Late 13th Century 48
From the Point of Transfer to Study the Professionalization of the Central Criminal officer after the Reform of Yuanfeng 63
Imperial Examination Banquet and Local Society: An Analysis of LuMing Banquet in Song Dynasty 78
Study on Military History of Song Dynasty
From Ganban(干办) to Jiyi(计议): Privy Council Established New Officials in the Early Years of the Southern Song Dynasty 93
Between Jimizhou and Tusi:The Establishment of Zhaibao and Regional Governance of Shizhou During the Song and Ming Dynasties 99
Study on Cultural History of Song Dynasty
Study on a Notable Minister of Northern Song Dynasty Zhao Bian’s Communication with Monks and Taoists 115
“Rites, the Law Formulated by Sages”: Zhang Zai’s Thoughts on Rites 127
The Thought and Method of Interpretation of Wang Anshi’s Disciples’ Confucian Classics 136
The Creation of Auspicious Signs and Ya Song Literature During the “Shaoxing Agreement” in Southern Song Dynasty 147
On the Southern Song Dynasty’s Lv Fu 158
Fraud and Elimination of Fraud:the Dispute Between the Execution and Abolition of Sichuan Provincial Examination in the Southern Song Dynasty and its Final Establishment 173
Investigation of the Work on Yijing by Cai Yuanding, A Pivotal Scholar of the Zhuxi School 186
A New Study of the Rise of the View of Shu Han Orthodox:The Postscript of Su Tianjue’s “The Postscript of Sun Jizhao’s Request for Revision of The History of the Three Kingdoms To Zhou Yigong” 198
Yue Fei’s Successor: Research on the Image of Chen Wenlong as the Patron God 211
Su Shi’s Influence in Korea:Sim No-sung Embracing Su Dong po in His Exile and Ililbaekseongjip (A Collection of Daily One-Hundred Time Self Reflection) 220
Documents and Textual Research of Song Dynasty
A Scholarly Examination of Zhao Tingmei’s Birth Mother: Unraveling Discrepancies in Historical Records 237
Kenqing Lu: A Reexamination by Authors Zhao Shuxiang and Zhao Shuwen 245
A Research on Variants in Heng Puji 251
Textual Research on Huizhou City and Huining Guan City in Northern Song Dynasty 262
A Study of the Epitaph of a Deceased Provincial Governor Surnamed Gao in Jiezhou in the Song Dynasty 274
Lu Jiuyuan’s Historical Image Writing from “Mr. Xiangshan’s Description” 286
A Chronicle of Yuan Xie’s Life, a Neo-Confucian Poet in the Southern Song Dynasty 297
Zhouyi Xici Jingyi Is not Edited by Lv Zuqian 311
Textual Research on Five Biographies of the SongYuan XueAn 318
Study on the History of Liao,Jin and Yuan Dynasties
Study on the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Cultural and Educational Policies of Yelv Abaoji 329
A Study on the Feng Fu Rites of Liao Dynasty 337
The Analysis on the Princess’s Marriage of Jin Dynasty 345
The Interpretation on Several Official Titles in the Liao Dynasty Recorded in the Khitan Small Script Documents 356
A Textual Research on the Güse’ür Na’ur Quriltai of Mongolian Khanate in Renzi Year 361
Diversity and Integration: The Source and Spread of Ancient Technology of Equine Rhinotomy 372
Research on the Development Pattern of Central Towns in Dali Kingdom 386
