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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术工业技术工业技术理论/总述产油国国家概况(英文)



定 价:¥45.00

作 者: 王文化,李红
出版社: 中国石油大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787563663231 出版时间: 2018-10-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 275 字数:  






Chapter 1 Overview of the Oil Industry in Different Continents
1.1 Central Asia: A Major Player in the Oil and Gas Energy Industry
1.2 Status of Oil Industry in Southeast Asia
1.3 Oil Industry in Africa
1.4 Oil Industry in Latin America
Chapter 2 Overview of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
2.1 Politics
2.2 Economy
2.3 Culture
2.4 Education
2.5 Tourism
Chapter 3 Overview of the Russian Federation
3.1 Politics
3.2 Economy
3.3 Culture
3.4 Education
3.5 Tourism
Chapter 4 Overview of the United States of America
4.1 Politics
4.2 Economy
4.3 Culture
4.4 Education
4.5 Tourism
Chapter 5 Overview of the Islamic Republic of lran
5.1 Politics
5.2 Economy
5.3 Culture
5.4 Education
5.5 Tourism
Chapter 6 Overview of the People's Republic of China
6.1 Politics
6.2 Economy
6.3 Culture
6.4 Education
6.5 Tourism
Chapter 7 Overview of the United Mexican States
7.1 Politics
7.2 Economy
7.3 Culture
7.4 Education
7.5 Tourism
Chapter 8 Overview of Canada
8.1 Politics
8.2 Economy
8.3 Culture
8.4 Education
8.5 Tourism
Chapter 9 Overview of the United Arab Emirates
9.1 Politics
9.2 Economy
