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临床技能学=Clinical Skill

临床技能学=Clinical Skill

定 价:¥89.00

作 者: 李薇,李晓丹
出版社: 郑州大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787564576226 出版时间: 2021-07-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 290 字数:  




暂缺《临床技能学=Clinical Skill》作者简介


Part Ⅰ Medical Professionalism and Communication
Chapter 1 Professionalism and Communication Skills
1.1 Code of medical ethics
1.2 Communication and interpersonal skills
Chapter 2 History Taking
2.1 The importance of history taking
2.2 Models for obtaining the medical history
2.3 Performing focused history
2.4 An approach to the child patient
2.5 The patient with a psychiatric diagnosis
Chapter 3 Case Presentation and Documentation
3.1 Chief complaint
3.2 History
3.3 The review of systems
3.4 Physical examination
3.5 Data,assessment and plan
Part Ⅱ Physical Examination
Chapter 4 Hand Hygiene
4.1 Goals
4.2 Objectives
4.3 Rationale
4.4 Supplies
4.5 Procedure instructions
Chapter 5 General Examination and Vital Signs
5.1 Approaching the physica] examination
5.2 First impressions
5.3 Vital signs
Chapter 6 Skin, Hairs and Nails Examination
6.1 Skin examination
6.2 Hair examination
6.3 Nail examination
Chapter 7 Head and Neck Examination
7.1 Inspection of the head
7.2 Palpation of the head
7.3 Neck
7.4 Eyes
7.5 Ears
7.6 Nose and paranasal sinus
7.7 Mouth and pharynx
Chapter 8 Chest Examination
8.1 Inspection
8.2 Palpation
8.3 Percussion
8.4 Auscultation
Chapter 9 Cardiovascular System Examination
9.1 Inspection
9.2 Palpation
9.3 Percussion
9.4 Auscultation
9.5 Peripheral vascular system
9.6 Vascular auscultation
Chapter 10 Abdominal Examination
10.1 Inspection
10.2 Palpation
10.3 Percussion
10.4 Auscultation
Chapter 11 Musculoskeletal Examination
11.1 Spine
11.2 Joints and limbs
Chapter 12 Nervous System Examination
12.1 Mental status and conscious level
12.2 Speeeh and higher mental functions
12.3 Cranial nerves
12.4 Motor system
12.5 Pathological reflexes
12.6 Sensation
12.7 Cerebellar funetion
12.8 Meningeal irritation signs
12.9 Autonomie nervous system funetion test
Part Ⅲ Basic Nursing
Part Ⅳ Puncture
Part Ⅴ Surgical Procedure
Part Ⅵ First Aid
Part Ⅶ Obstetrics and Gynecology
Part Ⅷ Pediatric
