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定 价:¥49.80

作 者: 杨书霞
出版社: 中国宇航出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787515919164 出版时间: 2021-10-01 包装:
开本: 32开 页数: 320 字数:  


  《思维导图超好用英语口语书》共9章,每章分8节,每节分别由常用表达、语法点拨、万用词语、情景对话等板块构成,多数章节还设置有文化链接板块。“常用表达”包含4~7 个小主题,运用思维导图使各主题的常用口语表达图像化,便于归类,帮您构建英语口语体系。“语法点拨”汇总最基本的短语、词义辨析等语法,例句自然实用,讲解浅显易懂,符合学习规律。“万用词语”按照词性归类,汇总各主题中的常用词汇,实现单词量的有效拓展和长期记忆。“情景对话”真实完整地呈现英语日常交际情境,具有超强带入感,有利于跨文化交际思维方式的培养。“文化链接”介绍各章节关联话题,便于感知异国文化,拓宽国际视野。




Chapter 1 Basic Expressions 基本表达

1.1 Greetings and Farewells 问候与告别  002 

1.2 Meeting for the First Time 初次相识  006 

1.3 Meeting and Greeting 见面寒暄  010 

1.4 Gratitude and Apology 感谢与道歉  014 

1.5 Time and Date 时间日期.  018 

1.6 Weather and Climate 天气气候  022 

1.7 Phone Expressions 电话用语 026 

1.8 Festival Blessings 祝福感恩 030

Chapter 2 Daily Routine 日常生活

2.1 Living Habits 生活习惯 036 

2.2 City Traffic 市内交通 040 

2.3 Shopping at the Supermarket 超市购物 044 

2.4 Online Life 网上生活 048 

2.5 To Buy or to Rent 买房租房 052 

2.6 Beauty Salon 美容美发  056 

2.7 Exercise and Fitness 运动健身 060 

2.8 Repair and Laundry 送修送洗 064

Chapter 3 Eating and Drinking 饮食就餐

3.1 Restaurant Reservation 餐厅预约  070 

3.2 Seeking and Waiting for Tables 找位等位 074 

3.3 Place an Order 点餐下单 078 

3.4 During the Meal 就餐服务 082 

3.5 Dinner Party 宴会就餐 086 

3.6 Checkout and Packing 结账打包 090 

3.7 Fast-Food and Takeaway 快餐外卖 094 

3.8 Bars and Cafes 酒吧与咖啡店 098

Chapter 4 Public Services 公共服务

4.1 Seeing a Doctor 生病就医 104 

4.2 Surgical Hospitalization 手术住院 108 

4.3 Account Opening and Deposit 开户存款 112 

4.4 Remittance and Loans 汇款贷款 116 

4.5 Exchanging Foreign Currencies 兑换外汇 120 

4.6 Postal Delivery 邮局寄送 124 

4.7 Calling the Police for Help 报警求助 128 

4.8 Volunteer Service 志愿服务 132

Chapter 5 Shopping 购物

5.1 Consulting Services 咨询服务  138 

5.2 Choosing Items 挑选商品 . 142 

5.3 Trying Clothes on 试穿试用 146 

5.4 Asking for Price 询问价格 150 

5.5 Paying and Invoicing 付款开票 154 

5.6 Return and Exchange 退货换货 158 

5.7 Maintenance and Repair 保养维修 162 

5.8 Making a Complaint 投诉抱怨 166

Chapter 6 Chatting with Friends 朋友闲谈

6.1 Ball Games 球类比赛  172 

6.2 Hometown 家乡 176 

6.3 Interests and Hobbies 兴趣爱好 180 

6.4 Family 家庭 184 

6.5 Movies 电影 188 

6.6 Celebrities 名人 192 

6.7 Food 食物 196 

6.8 Future Plans 未来计划 200

Chapter 7 Studying Abroad 国外留学

7.1 Getting to Know a School 了解学校 206 

7.2 Registration 开学注册  210 

7.3 School Curriculum 学校课程  214 

7.4 Student Associations 学生社团 218 

7.5 Part-Time Job 兼职生活  222 

7.6 Dormitory and Library 宿舍和图书馆  226 

7.7 Extracurricular Life 课外生活. 230 

7.8 Taking Leave and Holiday 请假与假期 234

Chapter 8 Travelling 旅游外出

8.1 Planning a Trip 计划旅行 240 

8.2 By Air 乘坐飞机 244 

8.3 By Train or High-Speed Train 火车高铁 248 

8.4 Checking in Luggage 寄存托运 252 

8.5 Entry Clearance 入境通关 256 

8.6 Accommodation 酒店住宿 260 

8.7 Visiting Scenic Spot 参观景点 264 

8.8 Asking for Help 问路求助 268

Chapter 9 Workplace 职场工作

9.1 Job Applications and Interviews 求职面试 274 

9.2 Getting Familiar with the Work Environment 熟悉工作环境 278 

9.3 Office Routines 日常事务 282 

9.4 Communication with Colleagues 同事交流 286 

9.5 Receiving Customers 接待客户 290 

9.6 Work Transfer 工作调动 294 

9.7 Promotion and Resignation 升职和离职 298 

9.8 Sick Leave and Annual Leave 病假与年假 302
