
Love 爱(2)

人生之钥 作者:(英)安·海宁·乔斯林









During a brief acting career, I appeared in an obscure play at a backstreet theatre. My part was a real challenge, furiously rehearsed for weeks.

On the second night after opening, I was aware of a strange lack of response from the house. Believing there was something lacking in my performance I tried a little harder ? and harder still. No improvement.

Only in the interval was the terrible truth revealed: There was no one in the audience. I was mortified. To this day I feel the blush on my cheek when I think of myself pouring my heart out ? to no one.

I quit acting soon after that. It obviously wasn’t the right choice for me, if a response was so essential.

By contrast think of an artist like Renoir, who went on producing pictures, day in day out, year after year, decade following decade. Nothing ever stopped him, no amount of discouragement, poverty or failure. He painted away, regardless of people’s opinions, in pure delight at his own creativity.

To be an artist merely for the return it may bring is as doomed as entering a relationship only for what you hope to get out of it: warmth, togetherness, intimacy, sex, security, money, status or whatever: The minute the reward is not forthcoming, it all comes to an end.

Love is like art: to survive it has to be genuine, sustained by its own imperative, and never requiring an applause.

A lot of people have a fear of commitment. I suppose what they really abhor is becoming dependent, handing over control. I can relate to that.

What I can’t understand is why anyone should want to control another, especially in the name of love. For if you attempt it, it leaves the other person with no option but to resist, evade or deceive you, or, worst of all, succumb to your will, in which case their personality expires, and you are stuck with what  A mollusc.

The symbiosis of domination, like any mutual dependence, is the enemy of love. Based on want, our greatest weakness, it makes us stunted, insecure. For if you rely on each other to fill the vacuum inside you, one of you is always bound to lose, as the other one dies, or simply moves on.

So ? if you wish to find a partner, foster your independence, over-come your needs. Thus released, you’ll have the best to offer: your own affluent heart.

Give freely of your love. One day you’ll come across another giver, and then it will all fall into place, without any restrictions. You’ll both be ready for the ultimate gift: that of commitment.


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