
Author introduction

外国人中国情(英汉对照) 作者:李莎·卡尔杜齐(Lisa Carducci)著

Author introduction

Lisa Carducci

Born in Canada, Lisa Carducci has been – cumulatively – a language teacher for 30 years and a journalist for 20, but a writer for her all life.

Following two visits in 1985 and 1989, she established in China in 1991. In 2001 she was granted the Friendship Award of the P. R. of China for "outstanding contribution to the international friendship and enthusiastic support to the construction of a modern China".

During over 20 years but especially since she retired in 2007, Carducci has traveled the whole country, observing all aspects of the Chinese culture, people, and society, and written books and thousands of articles. The present work is her 70th published book.

In 2005, Carducci became a "permanent resident" of China.

I randomly met the author 22 years ago, and I became her first Chinese teacher. Then I went abroad, but we kept in touch. It can be said, "Teacher a day, friend forever."

Lisa has published 70 books. My deepest impression on her is her honesty; whatever she writes is based on her experience.Being a Westerner, and having won the Friendship Award, and later the Chinese permanent resident status, shouldn' t she avoid criticizing Chinese society phenomena? As she said in the book preface:"No matter what I write, I always write only what I think."

Her articles are varied, both in life anecdotes and commentaries on current affairs. Reading funny lines, you can' t but laugh; reading serious pages, you can' t help thinking afterward."Good Books"effect is absolutely unmistakable.


Yu Lan


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