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作 者: 李洪涛,费维栋主编
出版社: 哈尔滨工业大学出版社
丛编项: 专业英语阅读丛书
标 签: 材料科学


ISBN: 9787560314082 出版时间: 1999-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 20cm 页数: 281页 字数:  






1 Welding
 1.1 Introduction to Welding Processes
 1.2 Welding Metallurgy
 1.3 Some New Developments in Wdding
2 casting
 2.1 Metal Flow in Die Gasting
 2.2 0tximizafion of Properties in Aluminum Gasting
 2.3 Precision Gasting Process
3 Forming
 3.1 Fundamentals of Metal Forming
 3.2 Bulk-metal Foaming
 3.3 Sheet-metal Forming
4 Materials and Heat Treatment
 4.1 Ferrous Alloys
 4.2 Heat Treatment of Steel
 4.3 Prindple of Heat Treatment of Stud
 4.4 Nero-ferrous Alloys
 4.5 Composites
 4.6 Advanced Structural Ceramics
 4.7 Functional Ceramics
 4.8 Conductive Ceramics
 4.9 Glass Ceramics
 4.10 Magnetic Materials
 4.11 Plastics
 4.12 Polymer
5 Inorganic Non-metallic Materials
 5.1Pordand Cement
 5.2 Burning of Clinker
 5.3 Cooling of Cement Clinker
 5.4 Chemical and Mineralogical Composition of Portland Cement
 5.5 Different Types of Portland Geraint
 5.6 Factors Affecting the Rate of Hydration of the Cerment
 5.7 Strength of Concrete
 5.8 Durability of Concrete
6 Ceneral Science
 6.2 Adhesives
 6.3 Analysis and Measurement
 6.4 Chemnical Reaction
 6.5 Condensation and Condensers
 6.6 Conductors and Conductivity
 6.7 Electric Magnetic Material
 6.9 Electrolysis
 6.10 Semiconductor
 6.11 Surface Coating
