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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术自然科学化学杂环化学THOMAS L.GILCHRIST(第3版)



定 价:¥60.00

出版社: 北京世图
标 签: 有机化学


ISBN: 9787506233989 出版时间: 1997-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 页数: 414 字数:  


  The material of the second edition has been revised with two principal aims in mind. The first is to bring the contents up to date. To this end, Chapter 1 and several parts of other chapters have been rewritten, the references have been updated (with more emphasis given to recent review articles) and several new reaction schemes have been introduced. These new schemes are intended to illustrate aspects of heterocyclic chemistry that are becoming more important. Organopalladium and other organometaUic species are increasingly used in ring synthesis and in substitution reactions; some of the new schemes provide examples. New applications of heterocyclic compounds as pharmaceuticals, as intermediates in organic synthesis and as ligands are also illustrated.


暂缺《杂环化学THOMAS L.GILCHRIST(第3版)》作者简介


Preface to the third edition.
Preface to the second edition
Preface to the first edition
A cknowledgemen ts
1 Introduction: uses of heterocyclic compounds
2 Aromatic heterocycles
 2.1 The common structural types
  2.1.1 Six-atom, six-π-electron heterocycles
  2.1.2 Five-atom, six-π-electron heterocycles
  2.1.3 Benzo-fused ring systems
  2.1.4 Other fused heterocycles
 2.2 Some criteria of aromaticity in heterocycles
  2.2.1 Bond lengths
  2.2.2 Ring current effects and chemical shifts in 1H NMR spectra
  2.2.3 Molecular orbitals and delocalization energy
  2.2.4 Resonance energies
  2.2.5 Dewar resonance energies and other calculated resonance energies
  2.2.6 General conclusions
 2.3 Aromatic character and other types of unsaturated heterocycles
  2.3.1 Monocyclic systems that conform to the Huckel rule
  2.3.2 Other unsaturated heterocycles
2.4 Reactivity of heteroaromatic compounds
2.5 Tautomerism of heteroaromatic compounds
3 Nonaromatic heleroeydes
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Bond angle strain
3.2.1 Angle strain and bonding in small-ring heterocycles
3.2.2 Some consequences of bond angle strain in sr~lall rings
3.2.3 Angle strain in larger rings
3.3 Torsional energy barriers
3.3.1 Single bonds
3.3.2 Double bonds and partial double bonds
3.4 Influence of bond lengths and van der Waals radii: conformadonal preferences of flexible heterocycles
3.4.1 Saturated six-membered heterocycles
3.4.2 Four- and flve-membered heterocycles
3.5 Other types of interaction in saturated heterocycles
3.5.1 'Through-bond' orbitaI interacflons: the anomeric effect
3.5.2 Attractive 'through-space' interactions
4 Ring synthesis
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Cycllzation reactions
4.2.1 Reaction types
4.2.2 Displacement at saturated carbon
4.2.3 Intramolecular nucleophilic addition to carbonyl groups
4.2.4 Intramolecular addition of nucleophiles to other double bends
4.2.5 Cyclization on to triple bonds
4.2.6 Radical cyclization
4.2.7 Carbene and nitrene cyclizatiml
4.2.8 Electrocycllc reactions
4.3 Cycloaddition reactions
4.3.1 Reaction types
4.3.2 1,3-Dipolar cycloaddition
4.3.3 Hetero-Diels Alder reactions
4.3.4 [2 + 2] Cyeloaddition
4.3.5 Cheletropic reactions
4.3.6 Ene reactions
5 Six-membered ring compounds with one heteroatom
6 Five-memeberd ring compounds with one heteroatom
7 Six-membered ring compounds with two or mor heteroatoms
8 Five-membered ring compoumnds with two or more heteroatoms
9 Three-and four-membered ring compounds
10 Seven-membered ring compoumds
11 Nomenclature
Answers and references to selected problems
