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作 者: 盛美娟,梁志刚 主编
出版社: 中国人民大学出版社
丛编项: 新视界商务英语系列教材
标 签: 进出口


ISBN: 9787300159690 出版时间: 2012-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 267 字数:  






Part 1 OverviewChapter 1 Basics of International Trade 1.1 Brief Introduction to International Trade 1.2 Measurement of International Trade 1.3 Trade ProtectionismChapter 2 International Trade Terms 2.1 Generalization of Incoterms 2.2 Basics of Incoterms 2010 2.3 Summary of the Terms 2.4 Brief Descriptio of Incoterms 2000 2.5 Determinants of Choice of Trade TermsPart 2 Terms of ContractChapter 3 Goods Descriptio and Quantity 3.1 Name of Goods 3.2 Quality of Goods 3.3 Quantity of GoodsChapter 4 Packing and Marking 4.1 Facto Influencing Cargo Packing 4.2 Types of Packing 4.3 Product Bar Code on Sales Package 4.4 Marking of Goods 4.5 Packing Clause in a Sales ContractChapter 5 International Cargo Traport 5.1 Modes of Traport 5.2 Bill of Lading 5.3 Clause of ShipmentChapter 6 Cargo Iurance 6.1 Definition 6.2 Principles of Cargo Iurance 6.3 International Cargo Iurance Clauses 6.4 Types of Coverage 6.5 General Knowledge of Marine Cargo IuranceChapter 7 Commodity Ipection and Quarantine 7.1 Brief Introduction to Commodity Ipection and Quarantine 7.2 Commodity Ipection 7.3 Commodity Ipection Standards and Clauses 7.4 Cargo Claims 7.5 Commodity Quality Ipection and Quarantine Organization inChinaChapter 8 Export Price 8.1 Export Cost Accounting 8.2 Currency and Exchange Rate 8.3 Commission and Discount 8.4 Conveion of Trade Terms 8.5 Clause of PriceChapter 9 International Payment 9.1 Itruments of Payment 9.2 Methods of PaymentChapter 10 Trade Arbitration & Dispute Settlement 10.1 WTO Trade Principles & Trade Dispute Settlement 10.2 International Organizatio of Dispute Settlement 10.3 Letter of Agreement & Choice of Foreign Law 10.4 Force Majeure & Trade Claim IssuesPart 3 Conclusion and Execution of ContractChapter 11 Business Negotiation and Conclusion of Contract 11.1 Forms and Contents of Business Negotiation 11.2 General Procedure of Business Negotiation 11.3 Conclusion of Contract 11.4 Legal Requirement for a ContractChapter 12 Fulfillment of Contract 12.1 Export Procedures 12.2 Import Procedures 12.3 Organizatio and Specialists Involved in Contract Fulfillment 12.4 Import and Export FlowchartChapter 13 Import and Export Documentation 13.1 Functio of International Trade Documentation 13.2 Types of Import and Export DocumentationPart 4 Trade FormsChapter 14 Modes of International Trade 14.1 Distribution, Agency and Coignment 14.2 Tende and Auction 14.3 Countertrade 14.4 Futures TradingChapter 15 E-commerce and EDI 15.1 Basics of E-commerce 15.2 Traditional Commerce VSE-commerce 15.3 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) 15.4 Benefits and Disciplines of E-commerce and EDIAppendix I Abbreviatio in International TradeAppendix II INCOTERMS 2000 and Expressio Related to TradeAppendix III Documents Involved in International TradeReferences
